TRC End of Year Awards & Party!
This is it TRC(!), the finale to another great year at the Club. We will have hosted FOUR tournaments, toured across the region, raised much-needed funds in support of our community outreach, developed our facilities, and played a lot of rugby and touch. Now it’s time to celebrate all this, our wonderful rugby community, and acknowledge those players in your age group with our TRC Club Awards.
We are looking forward to marking the end of this fantastic 2018 for TRC, and hope you’ll join us for the TRC End of Year Awards at 4 pm on Sunday 9 December.
Each age group will have their own designated area for the picnic, 2018 review, farewells, and awards, after which the Club will get together for a few words from our President and some carols. So no long speeches!! There is plenty of space for all the players to join in together and kick a ball, play a bit of touch rugby, and well, just run around and burn off that energy!
There will be minimal food catering at the event so please let your Team Manager know if you are planning to purchase your food from the F&B being provided. Alternatively, we are suggesting each age group arrange their own shared picnic, bring your own plate maybe or call on Deliveroo to help! We will leave that with each age group to arrange.
The TRC Bar will be open, serving alcohol and soft drinks, so please do not BYO alcohol. We need to support our Club Bar and help raise some funds.
Please note, no glass is allowed on the pitches. Tents are installed for the Girls Rugby Tournament that will be held that day, so there is plenty of shelter.
See you on 9th Dec at 4 pm!